Rotherham Trolleybus Group

Welcome to the Rotherham Trolleybus Group web site. The site will be relevant to anyone with an interest in Trolleybuses from the Rotherham and Mexborough trolleybus systems and their operation. The objects of the Group are to encourage and help with the restoration of trolleybuses from the area and to study the history of the systems and their operation.

At a practical level, working parties are held at The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft, and in the Midlands. Newsheets and web updates are available to members and these give progress with restoration of the vehicles and information on meetings which are held from time to time and at which members can meet and exchange views and information.

It is the aim to restore the vehicles to operational condition so that members of the public can once again experience a ride on a trolleybus from the Rotherham area. The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft is one of three museums equipped with suitable overhead wiring.

Rotherham 37

Rotherham 37 is a double-deck trolleybus looked after by the RTG and operating at the Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft.

It has a 1950 Daimler CTE6 Chassis and 1956 Roe 70-seat body. Help to keep this trolleybus in service by joining the 'Rotherham 37 Group'.

Members are asked to contribute a few pounds per month by Standing Order to ensure the future of this vehicle. The costs we need to cover are the monthly rental at Sandtoft and to build up a fund for fuuture repairs and maintenance. It is already known that some replacement tyres will be needed within a few years and we have been informed that the traction motor will have to be reconditioned soon. Other work may also arise to enable number 37 to continue to pass the annual test required before service opertion can take place.

Rotherham Trolleybuses

Why Not Join Us
Please contact the RTG
Or by Post:-
R.T.G. Secretary,
2 Grange Close,
DE73 8FJ

Download Subscription and Donation Form Click Here (PDF file 429kb)

Rotherham Trolleybus Group has made every effort to ensure all information on our site is accurate, and that we have done our very best to contact copyright holders and to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material.
However, we do acknowledge that mistakes do happen, and if you do spot a mistake, please contact use so we can correct.
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